
Road Trip With American Farmers To Canada

We picked up farmers planning digesters in Vermont for a two-day trip to Canada. After somehow managing to cross the international border twice (a long story!) we visited two Canadian farms with successful complete mix systems. As pictured above, there was plenty to...

Summit To Preserve Vermont Dairy Farms

For years the American dairy industry has been in trouble. Low milk prices mean that most have lost money. As a result, many generational farms are giving up and selling. Meanwhile, in countries such as Italy, farmers no longer expect to survive on milk sales alone....

Southern New England Farms Purchase Digesters

The 450 kW digester at Rockwood Farm in Massachusetts co-digests processes food waste with the manure of 400 adult cows. At the time of photo, excess biogas partially filled the membrane cover. After leading RCM’s sales effort in Europe and Asia, Jim Muir...