Jim Muir at Savage View Farm on Grand Isle, Vermont, one of Agricultural Digesters’ clients, featured on the front page of the New York Times business section.
Savage View Farm in Grand Isle, Vermont, one of Agricultural Digesters’ clients, was recently featured in a story on the front page of the New York Times business section about how funding from the Inflation Reduction act can help generational family farms.
The Times understood that a digester adds revenue streams which increase a farm’s bottom line. Rather than just milk and meat, dairy farms can now also sell renewable energy, carbon offsets and organic compost while offsetting their considerable bedding costs. These are the benefits our digesters provide.
Together, the projects have garnered almost $4 million in federal and state grants through REAP, the Vermont Community Loan Fund, and allocations from the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). In addition, farms can use or sell a similar amount in investment tax credits.
Anaerobic digesters reduce greenhouse gas emissions by converting cow manure and organic waste (e.g., from a brewery) into renewable energy, heat, pathogen-free animal bedding and a more spreadable, largely odorless fertilizer. This includes the methane emitted by storage lagoons and manure in the fields.

Ryan and Dwight Bullis photographed in their barn.

Sara Griswold, Ryan’s fianc’ee, in field between farm and Lake Champlain.

Ryan helps newborn “pose” for the New York Times.

Jim Muir of Agricultural Digesters provided the Times project details.

From right, owner Dwight Bullis, Ryan Bullis and Sara Griswold.