This website has lots of content but our new cartoon presentation covers the basics much faster!
We went online to find a company to produce a short “explainer” video to capture our elevator pitch for methane digesters at farms. Interestingly, what appeared to be an American team in Texas turned out to be a Korean led group in New Zealand! But since we realized from experience that little New Zealand happens to be the world’s eighth largest dairy nation, we knew they would be familiar with the subject matter.
And we were happy with their work….except for one thing. Their first draft checked all the boxes – except it was very much a New Zealand farm scene! Many cows outside the barn rather than inside, a milk pail, blue colored tractor and some kind of warm weather, wide brimmed sombrero rather than a baseball cap. But as they say “no worries mate” and soon we had the scene “Americanized” for our largely North American target market.

First draft with Kiwi farm scene.