Check out the latest digester news from Agricultural Digesters. We develop methane digester
projects including financial projections, grants, financing and installation.
“Explainer” Video Delivers Our Message in Just 45 Seconds
This website has lots of content but our new cartoon presentation covers the basics much faster!We went online to find a company to produce a short "explainer" video to...
Maximizing Digested Solids – Composting and Peat Replacement
On May 20, an open house was held at the Magnan Farm in Fairfield, Vermont. The purpose was to demonstrate the farm’s new full scale composting operation which...

“Watershed Digesters” Improve Water Quality
This dairy farm located directly on Lake Champlain will soon have its own Watershed Digester system.Our new “Watershed Digester” concept interconnects a variety of...
Digested Bedding Solids and Phosphorus
The nutrient management manager at TeamAg in Lancaster County, PA describes his experience with separated digestate on ten American farms with anaerobic digesters.There...
And Now for Something Completely Different…Biogas in the Middle East
Just because a country is located in the oil rich Middle East does not mean it is indifferent to greenhouse gas mitigation or responsible agricultural stewardship. As a...
Reaching Out to Farmers About Digesters at County Fairs
Finding ways to meet hard working farmers can be a challenge. This video takes you to the last day at one of New England's many historic county fairs - in Addison...
We Present at Vermont Organics Recycling Summit
On May 6, we had the opportunity to make a virtual presentation of biogas at the annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS). Despite some initial technical...
Speaking To USDA About Smaller Digesters
At a virtual meeting of the USDA's Northeast Climate Hub Leadership we were invited to speak about smaller anaerobic digesters for dairy farms of a50-700 adult cows....

We Support Those with Shared Goals – the Farm Bureau, Compost Association, Energy Vision and Friends of the Lake (Champlain)
It is exciting to discover others with shared goals. Below are four such groups in the northeast, USA that we joined in 2021. We develop biogas projects in part by...
Road Trip With American Farmers To Canada
We picked up farmers planning digesters in Vermont for a two-day trip to Canada. After somehow managing to cross the international border twice (a long story!) we...